Tag Archives: Twitter
It may be right. It may be good. But is it interesting?
David Ogilvy said this about advertising: ‘You can’t bore people into buying your product, you can only interest them into buying it.’ Here is the same mantra with the key word underlined by me: ‘You can’t bore people into buying … Continue reading
Digital activism defines democracy in the 21st Century
For several years now, I have advocated that more intelligent use of the media options available to us in the 21st century can influence social change and a better world. Earlier this month, we were reminded of such a … Continue reading
How the UK Government ignored the most basic law of advertising
The Rt Hon Theresa May, Secretary of State for the Home Office has announced that she wishes to create a ‘hostile environment‘ for illegal migrants to Britain. But early attempts to do this run the risk of alienating those of … Continue reading
Marketing = consumers = customers = cash
And so, as we enjoy our short, hot summer, a new generation of university graduates return their rented gowns and mortar boards and head off into the big, wide world. The lucky ones know what they want to do and … Continue reading
US Gun Laws: Could Twitter and Facebook be forces for good?
What a world. Twenty-six children have been slaughtered. To protect them, teachers have thrown their bodies into hails of gunfire. ‘Carnage’, as President Obama said:
Could Twitter be deliberately exploited to promote evil?
“Was last week a watershed week in terms of unsubstantiated online gossip?” Andrew Neil asked Richard Bacon on the BBC current affairs programme ‘This Week’ last week. On Twitter, as @richardpbacon, Bacon describes himself as a ‘minor celebrity’ (and we … Continue reading
Leadership – Be Driven. Be Smart. Be Human.
I have been thinking about ‘Leadership’ as a topic for this post. What a nightmare. The thought occurred with wry amusement that the ‘Leadership for a Better Britain’ theme at the Conservative Party Conference was followed, within days, by the … Continue reading